Author: Politico

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After a weeks-long, often contentious process, last week, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) was unanimously chosen by House Republicans to succeed Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as House Speaker.  In an instant, everything changed, and nothing changed.  What was different was the occupant of the spacious Speaker’s office. What wasn’t was Donald Trump’s control over the Republican conference. Immediately after endorsing Johnson, Trump labeled him “MAGA MIKE JOHNSON,” casting the new Speaker as a miniature version of himself.  For three agonizing and humiliating weeks, Republicans anguished over the selection of their new leader. The repetitious ballot counts pointed to a dysfunctional party rended by factional infighting. But the Republican Party’s…

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Skip to Main Content Congress Pro E&E News Search Search WASHINGTON & POLITICS Congress White House Elections Legal Magazine Foreign Affairs 2024 ELECTIONS News GOP Candidate Tracker STATE POLITICS & POLICY California Florida New Jersey New York GLOBAL POLITICS & POLICY Brussels Canada United Kingdom POLICY NEWS Agriculture Cannabis Cybersecurity Defense Education Energy & Environment Finance & Tax Health Care Immigration Labor Sustainability Technology Trade Transportation NEWSLETTERS Playbook Playbook PM West Wing Playbook POLITICO Nightly POLITICO Weekend The Recast Huddle All Newsletters COLUMNISTS Alex Burns John Harris Jonathan Martin Michael Schaffer Jack Shafer Rich Lowry SERIES & MORE Breaking News…

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Newly minted Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is facing a three-pronged test in his first full week as the House’s top lawmaker as members of both parties look to take disciplinary action against their political opponents. The three resolutions up for a vote this week — on expelling Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) and censuring Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — will put a spotlight on Johnson’s ability to manage the fractious GOP conference and steer the entire chamber after a blistering three-week fight that ended with him clinching the gavel. Johnson’s predicament is not one of his…

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The September trial date comes after the June primaries for his seat, and Santos has said he intends to run for re-election. The Republican, who represents Nassau County and Queens, also faces an expulsion vote, potentially next week, after a resolution was filed by his fellow freshman Republicans from New York. The measure faces an uphill climb as Republicans seek to hang on their slim majority. GOP Rep. Anthony D’Esposito cited Santos’ misrepresentations of his personal connections to the Holocaust, 9/11 terror attacks and Pulse nightclub shooting as reasons he should go, along with the criminal charges. The new superseding…

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The Biden administration on Tuesday is proposing a new rule aimed at closing loopholes that create added costs around retirement investment advice. The announcement, which is part of a broader effort by the White House to address so-called “junk fees,” is focused on addressing potential conflicts of interest among financial advisers who provide retirement advice. The new Labor Department proposal would require financial advisers to provide retirement advice in the best interest of savers rather than in the interest of a firm pushing a specific investment product, something that the White House said can cost retirees billions of dollars annually.…

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That ultimately made him a palatable choice to fellow Republicans, who unanimously elected him speaker Wednesday after 22 fractious days on Capitol Hill. “He’s the right man for the job, and I have faith in him,” said Rep. Mike Garcia (R-Calif.), who is aligned with the more moderate wing of the conference. “He’s a good man, he’s a good Christian, and he’s going to do an excellent job at this.” A sudden opportunity Johnson was still a first-term state lawmaker when a vacancy opened in the northwest Louisiana House district then held by GOP Rep. John Fleming, a charter member…

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Nearly 8 in 10 Americans said in a NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ poll that they’re worried Israel’s war with Hamas could lead to a terrorist attack happening in the U.S.  The poll, published Monday, found that 77 percent of respondents said they are somewhat or very concerned the Israel-Gaza conflict could lead to a terrorist attack occurring in the U.S. In contrast, 22 percent of those surveyed said they’re not concerned with a terrorist attack happening in the country as a result of the ongoing conflict.   About 70 percent of respondents said the U.S. has been too supportive of Israel throughout…

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Johnson will now have to deal with the kind of nasty infighting that McCarthy couldn’t control, and the looming Nov. 17 shutdown deadline will test how he navigates a longstanding fight between his party’s two factions. Johnson wants to pass a short-term spending patch until January or April to buy more time for Republicans to pass each of their full-year funding bills, but he’s already getting hard resistance from a handful of right flank members. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), a member of the Freedom Caucus, said there are likely at least five Republicans who couldn’t support a short-term spending bill…

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Senate Democrats on Monday brushed aside Rep. Dean Phillips’s primary challenge against President Biden, while questioning why the Minnesota Democrat is jumping into the race at all when Democrats are focused on keeping former President Trump out of the White House. “I’m a strong supporter of Joe Biden. I think he’s done more than any other president in my lifetime to grow the middle class,” said Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), the No. 3 Senate Democrat.  “I don’t think that’s going to end up being a big issue,” she added. News of Phillips’s campaign, which he launched over the weekend with…

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